The tunnel

The tunnel you are walking through was constructed under one of the oldest and biggest houses in the village, the “Cosneri house”, a rich and important family in Mezzano. The tunnel is paved in cobblestones, you must recognise them by now, and it leads you to a little portico with a barrel-vaulted roof that is decorated with frescos and symbols. Look at the old door on your right too; behind it there is a cellar. How many times would it have been opened and closed over the centuries and how many people would have passed over that threshold!

I suggest you look at the symbol of the eye to see two things – you can only do it by going closer. The first is to the left, go carefully down the steps, the information board will explain everything.

The second is down on the street; another wood-stack installation “Seeking a fixed centre of gravity”; one might call it a balancing wood-stack; the electric blue arrow brings to one’s attention the chock of wood at the bottom that alone supports the entire sculpture. This work is the result of an incredible interplay of joints and levers.

But it is time to take up position again, if you managed to see everything from where you were higher up just continue following the arrow, otherwise you must return back up again!

In the meadow you can see the wood-stack “Fixation”; each person may interpret it as they wish. I will just add that the geometric structures symbolically represent energy that creates and manifests itself.

Walk along the narrow path by the house; right on the corner there is a grape vine very much older than both you or me.

by jlbbooks

The beginning

The beginning You are walking on traditional cobble stones which are characteristic and natural. The
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The beginning
02 Feb
by jlbbooks


Downhill Have you got your breath back? Written a message? You can see that just
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02 Feb
by jlbbooks

The tunnel

The tunnel The tunnel you are walking through was constructed under one of the oldest
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The tunnel
02 Feb
by jlbbooks


Tunnels If you go up to the right, you will find the other two tunnels.
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02 Feb
by jlbbooks

The stable

The stable Here! I’m here! Just a little further on there are two wood-stack installations.
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The stable
02 Feb
by jlbbooks

Poem corner

Poem corner If you haven’t already, cross the road. Be careful! It’s true that there
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Poem corner
02 Feb